Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I Love Lightbulbs

There's this guy who's a real character in my office. He's kind of a curmudgeon, super conservative, drives a zippy sports car and is known for making inappropriate comments. I think he's harmless, but that's beside the point. He just walked up to my cube, started talking about how slow it's been here lately and described what seemed to me be a pretty big epiphany:

"You know I've been working in real estate for 27 years and for the past 15 it's been non-stop pressure: 12-14 hour days, working on the weekends, the whole nine. And this is the first time where I come in, I put in my 8 hours, go home, relax and go to bed. I used to wake up at 4am worried about one of my deals, it was crazy. And where did it all get me? Now I've got diabetes and high blood pressure. And you know what? I'm goin' home early today."

And he said all this without the slightest degree of self pity or bitterness---he was just like "man, that was one crazy trip---I don't want to do that to myself anymore." And I say rock on with your bad self. I love that stuff, when people have a breakthrough, a really big one like that.

Anyway that's all, I thought that was cool.


Anonymous said...

He looks like my former boss.

pcboy said...

hehe. tho that's not actually a picture of said curmudgeon from my office, he's not that far off.